Posters Session 1: | |
Mer Méditerranée – Validation des produits MERCATOR | Jonathan Beuvier (Mercator Océan) |
Prévision opérationnelle de trajectoires de gliders en mission. | Blandine L’hévéder (LOCEAN) | |
Quality assessment of the current Copernicus Marine Service global ocean monitoring and forecasting real-time system since its operational implementation in October 2016. | Jean-Michel Lellouche (Mercator Ocean) |
Coarsening of physics for biogeochemical model in NEMO. | Clément Bricaud (Mercator Océan) | |
Influence of the surface forcing on to the operational system of Mercator Ocean. | Clotilde Dubois (Météo France) | |
Système couplé physique/biogéochimie IBI : dernier virage avant l’assimilation de données | Bruno levier (Mercator Océan) | |
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service: presentation and coordination. | Renaud Dussurget (Mercator Océan) | |
Posters Session 2: | |
Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability and its relation to dynamic and thermodynamic processes. | Julien Jouanno (LEGOS) | |
Complementary use of glider data, altimetry, and model for exploring mesoscale eddies in the tropical Pacific Solomon Sea. | Lionel Gourdeau (LEGOS) |
Internal tides in the Solomon Sea. | Michel Tchilibou (LEGOS): | |
East Cold intraseasonal events in spring/summer 2005 and 2006 in the far eastern equatorial Atlantic and their forcing mechanisms from numerical simulation and satellite data. | Gaëlle Herbert (LEGOS) | |
Suivis lagrangiens de la dynamique des masses d’eau dans l’océan Pacifique tropical Sud. | Simon Barbot (Aix-Marseille Université) | |
Interactions tourbillonnaires dans le courant de Somalie pendant la mousson d’été. | Bernard Barnier (IGE) | |
Disturbance of phytoplankton biomass seasonal dynamics in a South Pacific island wake: A biogeochemical-Argo floats-based study. | Raphaelle Sauzède (EIO) | |
Probabilistic Study of the subtropical North Atlantic variability. | Ixelt Garcia-Gomez (IGE) | |
Restitution de l’état de l’océan dans la Warm Pool du Pacifique Tropical Ouest avec ARMOR3D : contribution au projet TPOS202. | Arnaud Valcarcel (CLS) | |
Low frequency modulation of eddy kinetic energy in the Humboldt system. | Remy Köth (LEGOS) | |
Sea Surface Salinity signature of the interannual climatic modes in the Tropical Atlantic. | Mesmin Awo (CIPMA) | |
Sargassum Evolving Distribution in the Atlantic (SAREDA). Ongoing activities. | Léo Berline (MIO) | |
Circulation océanique dans les couches subthermoclinale et intermédiaire de l’océan Pacifique Tropical Sud-Ouest – Structure verticale et propriétés hydrologiques. | Frédéric Marin (LEGOS) |
Importance of the Equatorial Undercurrent on the Sea Surface Salinity in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic in boreal spring. | Casimir Da-Allada (LOPS) | |
Posters Session 3: | |
La cellule Opérationnelle Déploiement | Nathanaëlle Lebreton (SHOM) | |
Atlas dynamique des tourbillons de longue durée de vie et premiers tests de validation modèle en Méditerranée. | Briac Le Vu (présentation A. Stegner) (LMD) | |
Etude multi-satellites et modélisation des interactions océan/atmosphère dans les cyclones tropicaux. | Yves Quilfen(LOPS) | |
ORCA025 representation of large-scale stratification features in the North-Atlantic. | Guillaume Maze (LOPS) | |
MOCCA project: Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo. | Romain Cancouët (Euro-Argo ERIC) |
Couches de surface de l’Atlantique nord subtropical : SPURS. | Gilles Reverdin (LOCEAN) | |
Surface In-Situ Measurements from Voluntary Observing Sailing Ships. | Thierry Reynaud (LOPS) | |
OSI SAF Sea Surface Temperature reprocessing of MSG/SEVIRI archive. | Stéphane Saux Picart (Météo France) | |
CORIOLIS R&D contribution to the 2016 CMEMS Ocean State Report. | Jérôme Gourrion (Coriolis) | |
Un produit Méditerranéen de Température et Salinité. | Félix Margirier (LOCEAN) | |
GLORYS2v4 in the equatorial Pacific: Validation, impact of assimilation and the 2015/16 El Niño event. | Boris Dewitte (LEGOS) | |
Le projet DISSIP : Dynamique de la marée Interne SouS Inertielle et Processus de dissipation. | Yannis Cuypers (LOCEAN) |
Characterisation of mixing efficiency from microstructure measurements in the Sicily Channel | Anda Vladoiu (LOCEAN): | |
Toward the assimilation of biogeochemical data in the CMEMS BIOMER coupled physical-biogeochemical operational system. | Julien Lamouroux (Mercator Océan): | |
Observation of 2012-2013 deep convection events in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. | Pierre Testor (LOCEAN): | |
Posters Session 4: | |
Modélisation haute résolution de la rade de Toulon. | Camille Mazoyer (MIO): |
Cross-shelf exchanges in the Bay of Biscay. | Anil Akpinar (LOPS): | |
Projet Géronimo (GEnération et Représentation des Ondes Internes dans les Modèles Opérationnels) : Caractérisation des ondes internes dans la zone côtière du plateau atlantique. | Pascal Lazure (IFREMER) | |
Posters Session 5: | |
Effect of a tidal mixing parametrization in NEMO on the Arctic heat budget and marginal ice zone. | Verena Haid (LOPS) | |
Revisiting wave-current interactions in large-eddy simulation. | Nobuhiro Suzuki (LOPS) | |
Sensibilité de la réponse océanique à la paramétrisation des flux turbulents air-mer dans NEMO-1D à la station Papa. | Théo Brivoal (LOPS) | |
Variabilités saisonnières et interannuelle des transformations des masses d'eau dans le bassin Arctique. | Marie Sicard (LOPS) | |
Posters Session 6: | |
Significant contribution of operational oceanography for an Integrated and More Sustainable Atlantic Ocean Observing (AtlantOS). | Florent Gasparin (Mercator Océan) | |
The strategy for evolution of Argo in Europe. | Claire Gourcuff (Euro-Argo ERIC) |
Impact of wide-swath altimetry missions to ocean analysis and forecasting system in the Iberian-Biscay-Ireland (IBI) region. | Antonio Bonaduce (Mercator Océan) | |
Optimal design of the BGC-Argo network in the North Atlantic: an ensemble-based probability score approach to compare deployment scenarios. | Cyril Germineaud (IGE) | |