Posters – GMMC 2019
The French contribution to the Voluntary Observing Ships network of Sea Surface Salinity. Gaël Alory (LEGOS)
Présentation par Fabien Durand (LEGOS): Intra-seasonal barotropic effects in the global ocean: the BINGO project. M. Afroosa (LEGOS)
A coupled ocean-atmosphere regional simulation of the tropical Atlantic Ocean: comparison with observations and sensitivity to numerical choices. Manon Gévaudan (LEGOS)
Surface and subsurface horizontal and vertical velocity in the equatorial tropical Pacific. Florent Gasparin (MOI)
TPOS2020: Repenser le système d’observations océan-atmosphère dans le Pacifique Tropical : Avancées du second rapport et vision pour OceanObs’19. Sophie Cravatte (LEGOS) – présentation par Boris Dewitte (LEGOS)
Amazon River discharge contribution to tropical Atlantic sea level changes. Pierrick Giffard (LEGOS)
Intraseasonal to Interannual SSS Variations in the Tropical Pacific Ocean : Insights from SMOS. Audrey Hasson (LOCEAN)
Caractérisation des incertitudes pour l’assimilation d’observations de glace de mer dans le modèle NEMO. Jean-Michel Brankart (IGE)
CROSSROAD: Climatic Role of Subpolar Slopes: A Regional Observational Array off NewfoundlanD. Damien Desbruyères (LOPS)
SMOC: a new global surface current product containing the effect of the ocean general circulation, waves and tides. Yann Drillet (MOI)
Surface and Upper Ocean Circulation from the combined use of in situ and space borne observations. Nathalie Verbugge (CLS) presentation faite par Eric Greiner (CLS)
Two superimposed cold and fresh anomalies enhanced Irminger Sea deep convection in 2016 – 2018. Patricia Zunino (Altran) – présentation faite par Anne Piron (ALTRAN)
CODEP: La cellule Opérationnelle Déploiement. Nathanaële Lebreton (SHOM)
How can Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite better reconstruct horizontal and vertical velocities? Babette Christelle Tchonang (MOI)
WINKLEX : un exercice d’intercomparaison pour les équipes impliquées dans les mesures d’oxygène dissous acquises à partir de différentes plateformes fixes et mobiles. Thibaut Wagener (MIO)
Sub Inertial Internal Tides Dynamics and Dissipation (DISSIP). Yannis Cuypers (LOCEAN)
New 3-dimensional biogeochemical products derived from machine learning-based methods. Raphaëlle Sauzède (LOV)
Assessment of existing services and new services provided by the Copernicus Marine In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre. Sylvie Pouliquen (Ifremer)
North-Atlantic Ocean Subtropical Gyre: Mechanisms of Observed lowfrequency VARiability. Guillaume Maze (LOPS)
Estimating the biogeochemical state of the North Atlantic through the assimilation of surface chlorophyll into a coupled ensemble simulation. Yeray Santana-Falcón (IGE)
The Iberia-Biscay-Ireland (IBI) configuration: assessment of the model’s capacity to reproduce regional dynamics. Karen Guihou (Puertos del Estados)
Situation de l’ECV vent de surface. (Partie océanique). Raymond Zaharia (Club des Argonautes)
CASIS : Coupled Assimilation Strategies for the Initialisation of an ocean-atmospheric boundary layer System. Arthur Vidard (LJK Grenoble)