Newsletter 32: The Mediterranean Sea
Newsletter 32: The Mediterranean Sea
This month’s newsletter is devoted to the Mediterranean Sea and its various faces.
As an introduction, an article by Drobinski et al. presents the HYMEX program (HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean Experiment) which is aiming at better understanding the global water cycle in the Mediterranean region. The next article by
Langlais et al. is dealing with a high resolution coastal and shelf model in the Gulf of Lions. Then, Boy et al. are describing the input from spatial gravimetry to better represent the ocean circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. The next article by D’Ovidio et al. is telling us about tracer frontal structures induced by altimeter velocities with a lagrangian technique in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The last article by L’Hévéder et al. is dealing with operational forecast of glider trajectories in the
Mediterranean Sea using the Mercator forecasts.
- The HyMeX (Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment) program: The specific context of oceanography By Philippe Drobinski et al
- Towards high resolution coastal and shelf circulation modeling: impact of the atmospheric forcing resolution in the Gulf of Lions . By Clothilde Langlais, Bernard Barnier and Philippe Fraunie
- Ocean circulation in the Mediterranean Sea: Input from Spatial Gravimetry By Jean-Paul Boy, David Garcia, Scott B.Luthcke, David D. Rowlands and Douglas S. Chinn
- Lagrangian Validation of the Mediterranean Mean Dynamic Topography by extraction of Tracer Frontal Structures By Francesco d’Ovidio, Vincent Taillandier, Isabelle Taupier-Letage and Laurent Mortier
- Operational Forecast of Glider trajectories during EGO 2008 operations in the Mediterranean Sea using Mercator Ocean Forecast By Blandine l’Hévéder, Jean-Michel Lellouche, Pascale Lherminier, Laurent Mortier, Thierry Terre, Pierre Testor and Gaëtan Vinay