Pierre-Yves LeTraon

Scientific Director

Pierre-Yves Le Traon, oceanographer, is the scientific director of Mercator Ocean and research director at Ifremer.  He is in charge of the scientific direction of Mercator Ocean and of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service.  As part of his Ifremer activities, he coordinates the French Investissement d’Avenir NAOS (Novel Argo Ocean Observing System) project and chairs the council of the European research infrastructure Euro-Argo ERIC.  He is member of the board of EuroGOOS and of the international Argo steering team.  P.Y. Le Traon was co-chairing the operational oceanography international experiment GODAE.  His is expert for satellite oceanography missions for space agencies (CNES, ESA, Eumetsat) and is member of the ESA Earth Science Advisory Committee.  P.Y. Le Traon is author or co-author of more 100 publications in international peer reviewed literature.  He received in 2012 the European Geophysical Union Fridtjof Nansen medal.


Yves Desnos (center)
Member of the French Marine Academy (Académie de Marine), former Director of SHOM.

Pierre-Yves LeTraon (right)
Scientific Director, Mercator Ocean.

Emile Girardeau award at the French Marine Academy to Pierre-Yves LeTraon

The prize was awarded during the formal sitting of the French Marine Academy in Paris last October 19th 2015. Irina Bokova, General Director of UNESCO.  This scientific prize was awarded to Pierre-Yves LeTraon for his contributions in oceanography and operational oceanography.

The scientific prize Émile Girardeau aims at rewarding and supporting scientific work and research broadly.

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Interview: 3 questions to Pierre-Yves

We asked 3 questions to Pierre-Yves about the ocean’s role in global climate:
1/ In what way the ocean is a thermostat for the planet?
2/ What is the role of the ocean in the carbon cycle?
3/ Why the sea level is rising?
