MOi launches EU4OceanObs website

Mercator Ocean International (MOi) launched the EU4OceanObs project website in March 2021. Funded through the European Union’s Partnership Instrument and implemented by MOi, EU4OceanObs will work to strengthen international ocean governance for an enhanced global ocean observing system.

The new project EU4OceanObs website ( will be a valuable channel of information on the project’s actions and on Europe’s leading-edge ocean observing capacities, infrastructures and programmes.

EU4OceanObs actions on international ocean governance

EU4OceanObs will work directly with two international programmes, the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (G7 FSOI) and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet initiative. Through these components, EU4OceanObs will ensure that Europe’s contribution to the global ocean observing system is a comprehensive, coordinated and seamless end-to-end service that promotes and supports international and regional efforts.

The project website will provide regular information on the activities of these two components via its News and Events section.

Increasing the global impact and uptake of European ocean observing infrastructures and data products

Through its communication activities, EU4OceanObs will work to raise international awareness on Europe’s extensive capacities for ocean observation, data-handling and sharing, and modelling and forecasting. Featuring how Europe contributes to the collection, sharing, transformation and use of ocean data, the EU4OceanObs website offers a panoramic view of the European ocean observing system components. The website also features a dedicated section on EU-funded initiatives to enhance regional capacities and increase the sharing and use of ocean data with regions and countries beyond Europe. The Use Cases section promotes use cases of ocean data and information along the ocean observation value chain, relying on EU-supported programmes and projects.

MOi’s commitment to serving European priorities

The European Commission entrusted the implementation of EU4OceanObs to MOi in Nov 2020. Having been selected to implement and operate the EU’s Copernicus Marine Service in 2014 and to develop the WEkEO Copernicus Data and Information Access Service in 2017, MOi has a longstanding experience in working with the European Commission. Through EU4OceanObs, MOi continues to bring in its expertise supporting EU policies and goals in which a comprehensive global ocean observing system plays a critical role.

Visit the website and find out more:

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