Newsletter 39: MyOcean Physical Systems in Regional Seas
Newsletter 39: MyOcean Physical Systems in Regional Seas
This month’s newsletter is devoted to some of the regional seas within the MyOcean project (now and to the numerical systems that allows describing the ocean physics in those areas. A focus is here put on the Black Sea area, as well as on the Atlantic- Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean and the Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean, with the description of new products that will be part of the MyOcean catalogue from June 2011 on. Next January 2011 issue of the newsletter will also display papers about the Myocean project, focusing this time on the ecosystem products in the Mediterranean Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea as well as the Global Ocean.
In the present issue, Durand et al. are introducing this newsletter telling us about the Ferrybox data within MyOcean which are handled by the In-Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (TAC). Environment sensor package onboard of ship-of-opportunity are referred to as Ferrybox system. Ferrybox data products as temperature, salinity, oxygen and chlorophyll will be available from the MyOcean portal in near real time from June 2011. Delayed time products will be made available later on, around December 2011.
Scientific articles are then displayed as follows: First, Cailleau et al. are telling us about the numerical system that allows describing the ocean physics in the MyOcean Atlantic- Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean (referred to as the IBI area) from June 2011 on. Then, Demyshev et al. are talking about the Black Sea MyOcean physics products used to investigate the Black Sea climatic changes. Results of the regional model improvement and NEMO implementation in the Black Sea are also discussed. Finally, O’Dea et al. are presenting the next system for the Atlantic- European North West Shelf- Ocean that will be part of the MyOcean catalogue from June 2011 on. A
The next January 2011 newsletter will also display papers about the Myocean project, focusing this time on the ecosystem products.
- The FERRYBOX component in MYOCEAN
- The new regional generation of Mercator Ocean system in the Iberian Biscay Irish (IBI) area
- The MyOcean Black Sea from a scientific point of view
- NEMO-Shelf, towards operational oceanography with SST data assimilation on the North West European Shelf