The European Forum Alpbach: a space and place for the emergence of reflection and action.


The European Forum Alpbach brings together young individuals from across Europe and the globe convene alongside prominent scholars, intellectuals, scientists, policymakers, business leaders, and representatives of civil society. Their collective aim is to actively participate in and advance the mission of shaping a stronger Europe that benefits everyone. This forum serves as an interdisciplinary hub that bridges the realms of science, politics, business, and culture, with a resounding mission: “to connect international decision-makers from all walks of life with an engaged audience and enthusiastic young participants. 

“Bold Europe” 

This year the focus is ‘Bold Europe’ with different main themes discussing Climate, Democracy in Europe and Europe’s Economic Sovereignty). The event will take place from 19 August to 2 September, and it will be organised through 5 modules (i.e. Euregio Days, Alpbach Seminars, Lab Days, Europe in the world days, Austria in Europe Days).  

Europe in The World Days will take place for the first time this year (from 27-30.8.2023), bringing European decision-makers from politics, business, science, art and culture to meet at the start of the season in Alpbach. The idea of this module is to bring together key actors of European politics, economy, science, and culture to debate the thematic tracks that Europe in the World is currently facing: Climate, Finance and Economy, Democracy, and Security.  

Mercator Ocean’s participation in the panel featuring the EU Mission Starfish 2030 

Within this module, the Club Alpbach Forum will host a panel discussion titled ‘Advancing Resilience in the Blue Economy and Safeguarding the Marine Environment.This event will take place at the Hotel Alphof’s Speisesaal on the 28th of August, commencing beginning at 14:00 and concluding at 15:00 CET. Leading the discussion as featured speakers will be Geneviève Pons- from Europe Jacques Delors and Tina Silovic from Mercator Ocean International.  

The discussion is set to explore in greater depth the EU Mission Starfish 2030 framework and the open data system known as the Digital Twin of the Ocean, while also aiming to investigate how the European Union can effectively employ policy and scientific approaches to actively engage its citizens and harness the potential of data to promote sustainability in the blue economy. 

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