GEO Blue Planet, along with multiple partners, including the Copernicus Marine Service, is organising its 5th Symposium. The conference will take place in Accra, Ghana between 24 and 28 October 2022. The thematic will be “Local Action in Support of Global Action” targeting especially the Africa continent with the objective to expand and optimize the Earth Observation (EO) community best practices, reinforce local capacity and enable a better access to EO resources and services.
Le symposium est coorganisé par le Secrétariat de GEO Blue Planet comprenant Mercator Ocean International, la NOAA et l’Université du Maryland, ainsi que AIR Center. Les hôtes et organisateurs locaux de cette année sont l’Université du Ghana et l’Université de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles du Ghana.
Le symposium comprendra des sessions plénières centrées sur les domaines d’action fondamentaux de GEO Blue Planet, à savoir l’engagement des parties prenantes, la coopération et le développement des capacités. Il comprendra également des tutoriels sur les observations océaniques et côtières, des ateliers thématiques et un forum interactif.
Target audience
The Symposium is co-organised by the GEO Blue Planet Secretariat (Mercator Ocean International, NOAA and the University of Maryland) and the AIR Centre, this year’s hosts and local organisers are the University of Ghana and University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana.
The symposium will feature Plenary Sessions centered around the GEO Blue Planet Core Action Areas of Stakeholder Engagement, Cooperation and Co-design and Capacity Development. It will also feature Ocean and Coastal Observations Tutorials, Thematic Workshops and a highly Interactive Symposium Forum.
More information
For more information about the conference, please visit the official Symposium website by clicking on the button bellow: