Copernicus Marine Service InfoDay
“Powering marine business and services in Estonia”
Tallinn, Estonia, 18 April 2016 (afternoon)

Organised by

In partnership with

Join us!

Join the first Copernicus Marine Service InfoDay “Powering marine business and services in Estonia” organised by Mercator Océan in partnership with MSI.
The Copernicus programme is an EU flagship space programme aiming at developing a set of European information services based on satellite Earth Observation and in-situ data analyses.
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) is a legacy of the EU funded MyOcean Projects (FP7 – H2020) and provides regular and systematic information about the physical state and dynamics of the ocean and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the European regional seas.
Mercator Ocean, the French center of global ocean analysis and forecast has been entrusted by the EU to implement and operate the Copernicus Marine Service.

Marine Systems Institute (MSI) is a research institution affiliated to the Tallinn University of Technology. Its competence and responsibility involves basic and applied research of the Baltic Sea physical and biogeochemical processes in order to better understand and model those processes in the context of changing atmosphEric, terrestrial, and human impacts.The studies are important for development of marine information systems and forecasting methods. MSI is a major stakeholder of the Copernicus Marine Service in the Baltic Sea.

This Estonian InfoDay is open to current or potential future users of CMEMS who have a general interest in ocean products (either as service providers or end users, for research or business purposes).

The Organisation Team
