Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is supporting the AMAZONIX campaign, which explores the mouth of the Amazon, from 27 August to 8 October 2021. The campaign is taking place on board the ANTEA, an offshore vessel of the French Oceanographic Fleet operated by Ifremer. Over a distance of more than 6,000 km, a multidisciplinary team of 17 French and Brazilian scientists on board are trying to gain a better understanding of the impact of currents, the Amazon plume and turbulent processes on the life of the marine ecosystem. From land, they are supported by more than 70 researchers. This kind of international scientific collaboration contributes to progress towards the SDG14 and SDG15 goals for sustainable development.
“In the area, this strong current reaches speeds of more than 3 knots, about 5.5km/h. Daily forecasts from the French operational oceanography centre MERCATOR OCEAN, distributed by the European Copernicus Marine programme, support AMAZONIX and give a global view of the ocean circulation off the Brazilian coast and the Amazon estuary”. Fabrice Hernandez – PhD IRD – AMAZONIX Land Team
Campaign coordination: Ariane Koch-Larrouy (UMR LEGOS) on land and Arnaud Bertrand (UMR MARBEC) on board
MOI service details: Daily delivery of forecasting maps D+1 to D+2, at surface level, based on daily forecasts for physics ans biogeochimistry from high resolution global systems. Delivered parameters are temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, current, and SSH (Sea Surface Height). The area is 52°W, 42°W et 1°S, 7°N.
Our offer: Accessing digital data – Mercator Ocean (
Sources (links in french): Campagne AMAZOMIX: étude des processus physiques et leurs impacts sur l’écosystème marin à l’embouchure de l’Amazone | Site Web IRD
You can follow the campaign on the social network with the hashtag #AmazomixScience

On the right, launch of a Glider (autonomous glider submarine powered by biological and physical sensors)