As promised, herewith below a few questions or suggestions. The more I dip into this OO foresight document, the more I find it well done and relevant! However, though I may be wrong (because there are some points I’m not clear about) it appears to be missing a few items, though I am not able to say how important they may be! (I’m deliberately trying to cover as much as I can, but will be relieved if it turns out that my fears are not justified).
The subjects I think are missing are:
“Climate Reprocessing”, by which I mean: “New efforts to establish *Climate quality* a posteriori based on observations which were not made for that purpose”! The idea is to promote/request a new episode similar to ESA’s Climate Change Initiative which was quite successful, among others, with respect to the MSL (in that it enabled convergence between the Envisat and Jason-1 time series). Would it be possible to envisage a similar approach for surface wind observed by scatterometers and altimeters? By improving forcing we should be able to improve the quality of Glorys type analyses, shouldn’t we ? (or by increasing the already significant duration needed for a forecast to be realistic?).
2) Communication plan : the number of stakeholders concerned by progress of Operational Oceanography (OO) is increasing and they are scattered around the world., consequently I think there is a great risk of duplication and especially of people not using the OO (since they ignore the capabilities we’ve invested in), particularly as far the coastal domain is concerned ! (for details of the ONERC, BRGM meeting at the beginning of September, see below). More specifically, I’m wondering whether the format of the GMMC days is still suitable for the many different stakeholders involved in the coastal domain. Shouldn’t the proponents of OO make a greater effort to ‘colonize’ other professional meetings? (whether for coastal risks or for the Exact Repeat Missions (ERMs), among others!).
3) Finite element models: These concern 1/36 or 1/108 of a degree, but never MEF/FES! IF (which I’m not sure about), some significant stakeholders (LNHE?) use MEFs (which is not generally the case for the “offshore community”), is the issue of coupling between a ‘Cartesian grid’ model (that may not be the right term!) and an MEF covering part of the coastline being done properly?