Newsletter 35: Oceanic biogeochemistry
Newsletter 35: Oceanic biogeochemistry
Le Traon is introducing this newsletter telling us about Argo- the single most important in-situ observing system for operational oceanography- and Euro-Argo which is aiming at maintaining the array’s size and global coverage in the coming decades in order to develop and progressively consolidate the European component of the global network. Scientific articles about Oceanic biogeochemistry are then displayed as follows: D’Ortenzio et al. are writing about the PABIM
project (Biogeochemical Autonomous Platforms: Instrumentation and Measures) which aims at developing and exploiting biogeochemical observations obtained from autonomous platforms (gliders, profiling floats, animals). Lévy et al. are then telling us about the remote impacts of sub-mesoscale dynamics on new production with a net new production that decreases by 10% at higher resolution, with regional differences reaching +/- 30%. Lefèvre et al. are then explaining about autonomous CO2 measurements in the tropical Atlantic Ocean with an observational CO2 network that has been set up to better document the variability of the fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) in the Atlantic ocean, to determine its long term trend, and to provide accurate estimates of the air-sea CO2 flux. Finally, Lehodey et al. with the “Mercator-Vert” project are working on a prototype of coupled physical/biogeochemical model with the objective to routinely estimate and forecast the biogeochemical variables of the global ocean.
Such operational models should provide in a near future the necessary inputs for ecosystem models of the upper trophic levels, allowing the development of new tools and products for a real-time management and monitoring of marine ecosystems and resources.
- Euro‐Argo News By Pierre Yves Le Traon
- Biogeochemical Autonomous Platforms: Instrumentation and Measures (PABIM Project) By Fabrizio D’Ortenzio and the PABIM group
- Remote impacts of Sub‐Mesoscale Dynamics on new production By Marina Lévy, Dorotea Iovino, Sébastien Masson, Gurvan Madec, Patrice Klein, Anne-Marie Tréguier and Keiko Takahashi
- Autonomous CO2 measurements in the Tropical Atlantic By Nathalie Lefèvre, Denis Diverrès, Francis Gallois, Gaëlle Parard, Jacqueline Boutin, Guy Caniaux, Laurence Beaumont,Théo Danguy
- Mercator‐Vert: Extension towards Marine Resources By Patrick Lehodey, Inna Senina, Julien Jouanno, Francois Royer, Philippe Gaspar, Beatriz Calmettes, Mélanie Abécassis, Jeffrey Polovina, George Balazs, Molly Lutcavage and John Sibert