Newsletter 34: Data Assimilation for operational oceanography
Newsletter 34: Data Assimilation for operational oceanography
This month’s newsletter is devoted to Data Assimilation and its techniques and progress for operational oceanography.
Gary Brassington is first introducing this newsletter with a paper telling us about the international summer school for “observing, assimilating and forecasting the ocean” which will be held in Perth, Western Australia in 11-22 January 2010
( The course curriculum will include topics covering the leading edge science in ocean observing systems, as well as the latest methods and techniques for analysis, data assimilation and ocean modeling. Scientific articles about Data Assimilation are then displayed as follows: The first article by Broquet et al. is dealing with Ocean state and surface forcing correction using the ROMS-IS4DVAR Data Assimilation System. Then, Cosme et al. are describing the SEEK smoother as a Data Assimilation scheme for oceanic reanalyses. The next article by Brankart et al. is displaying a synthetic literature review on the following subject: Is there a simple way of controlling the forcing function of the Ocean? Then Ferry et al. are telling us about Ocean-Atmosphere flux correction by Ocean Data Assimilation. The last article by Oke et al. is dealing with Data Assimilation in the Australian BlueLink System.
- The International Summer School for Observing, Assimilating and Forecasting the Ocean: 11-22 January 2010 in Perth Australia By Gary B. Brassingto
- Ocean State and Surface Forcing Correction using the ROMS-IS4DVAR Data Assimilation System By Grégoire Broquet, Andrew M. Moore, Hernan G. Arango, Christopher A. Edwards and Brian S. Powell
- A Data Assimilation Scheme for Oceanic Reanalyses: the Seek Smoother By Emmanuel Cosme, Jean-Michel Brankart, Pierre Brasseur and Jacques Verron
- Is there a simple way of controlling the Forcing Function of the Ocean? By Jean-Michel Brankart, Bernard Barnier, David Béal, Pierre Brasseur, Laurent Brodeau, Grégoire Broquet, Frédéric Castruccio, Emmanuel Cosme, Claire Lauvernet, Pierre Mathiot, Marion Meinvielle, Jean-Marc Molines, Yann Ourmières, Thierry Penduff, Sergey Skachko, Chafih Skandrani, Clément Ubelmann and Jacques Verron
- Ocean-Atmosphere Flux correction by Ocean Data Assimilation . By Nicolas Ferry and Mahé Perrette
- Data Assimilation in the Australian Bluelink System By Peter R. Oke, Gary B. Brassington, David A. Griffin and Andreas Schiller