Newsletter 43: Three of the MyOcean long time series reanalysis products
Newsletter 43: Three of the MyOcean long time series reanalysis products
This month’s newsletter is devoted to three of the MyOcean long time series Reanalysis products: the In Situ temperature and salinity CORA reanal-ysis (1990 to 2010), the reanalysis of the North Atlantic ocean biogeochemistry (1998-2007) and the Arctic Ocean sea-ice drift reanalysis (1992-2010).
The first product described here is the In Situ temperature and salinity CORA reanalysis (1990 to 2010). A new version of the comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset (the Coriolis dataset for Re-Analysis – CORA) is released for the period 1990 to 2010. This in-situ dataset of tempera-ture and salinity profiles, from different data types (Argo, GTS data, VOS ships, NODC historical data…) on the global scale, is meant to be used for general oceanographic research purposes, for ocean model validation, and also for initialization or assimilation of ocean models. This product is available from the MyOcean web portal (
The second product is the reanalysis of the North Atlantic ocean biogeochemistry (1998-2007). A system assimilating Ocean Colour SeaWiFS data during the period 1998-2007 has been designed to construct a reanalysis of the North Atlantic ocean biogeochemistry based on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model at eddy-admitting resolution. The aim of this study is, on the one hand to develop the skeleton of a pre-operational coupled physical-biogeochemical system with real-time assimilative/forecasting capability, and on the other hand to operate this prototype system for pro-ducing a biogeochemical reanalysis covering the 1998-2007 period. This product is not available from the MyOcean web portal yet.
The third reanalysis product is the 1992-2010 winter Arctic Ocean sea ice drift time series made at Ifremer/CERSAT from satellite measurements which consists of several products: the Level 3 products from single sensors and the L4 products from the combination of sensors. They are available at 3, 6 and 30 day-lag with a 62.5 km-grid size during winter. This dataset is available for oceanic and climate modelling as well as various scientific studies in the Arctic. The time series is ongoing and will continue for Arctic long term monitoring using the next MetOp/ASCAT operational scatterometers, planned to be operated for the next 10 years. This product is available from the MyOcean web portal (
The next January 2012 issue will be dedicated to various applications using the Mercator Ocean products.
We wish you a pleasant reading!
- News: Workshop on Observing System Evaluation and Intercomparisons : a GODAE Ocean view/GSOP/CLIVAR event (13-17 June 2011, Santa Cruz, USA)
- CORA3, a comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset from 1990 to 2010
- A multivariate reanalysis of the North Atlantic ocean biogeochemistry during 1998-2007 based on the assimilation of SeaWiFS data
- Ifremer/CERSAT Arctic sea ice drift 1992-2010 time series from satellite measurements for myocean